20230921 – This morning the Norwegian ferry RØST arrived to Hafnarfjörður for drydocking and refitting at Ormur and Víglundur Shipyard. She has been sold to the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration (IRCA) to be replacing the ferry BALDUR.

Ferry Baldur has had some problems recently that let to the decision of the IRCA to have her replaced. After bid for replacement ferry the Norwegian RØST was the only one that fitted to the assignment.

RØST arrived to her future port of registry Stykkishólmur yesterday for trying out the ramps on her coming route followed by port of call in Flatey and Brjánslæk in Breiðafjörður.

The intention is that she will be keeping her name but written in Icelandic as RÖST. There are nevertheless some movements that she should be named BALDUR as legendary ferry name on this route for decades.