The fishing vessel STORMUR has been sold to Canada for 140 million €. Stormur was originally build in Newfoundland in 2005 financed by the Icelandic bank Landsbankinn. When the financial crises hit the World and Iceland in 2008 she was about 80% finished but her building stopped. She was set up for sale but it was not until 2015 that the Icelandic Stormur Seafood purchased her with the intention to rebuild her. She was originally only 25 meters in length but the unfinished vessel was towed to Poland where she was rebuild and lengthened by 23 meters. Stormur finally came to Icleand in December 2017 but as she had no fishing quote she has never catch any fish and has been laid up since then in Port of Reykjavík. Stormur is the first electrical powered fishing vessel in Iceland