This site is about Icelandic Merchant ships in general but some fishing vessels will also be included. Also foreign ship that I photograph will be shown.
20220607 – Today the naming ceremony for the second sister to Eimskip of three container vessels build in China took place. DETTIFOSS was delivered to Eimskip on 2. May 2020.
DETTIFOSS open to public after her naming ceremony
She arrived to her owners homeport Reykjavik 13. July after 68 day’s of sailing from China. Due to the pandemic the naming ceremony was delayed til now.
Happy Captain Ríkharður Sverrisson who has served with Eimskip for half a century.
Since she entered into service she has been busy on her route Iceland – Greenland – Norway – Sweden – Denmark. She has transported almost 500.000 tons of cargo. Her Eimskip sister BRUARFOSS had her naming ceremony in Torshavn in Faroe Isl. The third sister is the Danish TUKUMA ARCTICA.
Managing Director Vilhelm Þorsteinsson giving speach at the naming ceremony. Behind him is Rev. Pálmi Matthíasson, Elva Brynja Sigurðardóttir godmother of the vessel working with Eimskip for 39 years, Capt. Ríkharður Sverrisson and Chief Engineer Gunnar Steingrímsson.
Rev. Pálmi Matthíasson, Gunnar Steingrímsson chief engineer, Capt. Ríharður Sverrisson, Goodmother Elva Brynja Sigurðardóttir and Vilhelm Þorsteinsson Managing Director Eimskip.
Capt. Ríkharður with Skipper Þorsteinn Vilhelmsson father of Eimskip’s Managing Director