Established in 1995 by two major Iceland oil company’s the Olíufélagið hf. and Olíuverslun Íslands hf. Olíudreifing’s main activities are the distribution and stock keeping of liquid fuel for its owners, N1 hf and Olíuverslun Íslands h/f. Olíudreifing has overtaken the operations of the parent companies in these fields.
Build by J.G. Hitzler Schiffsw. und Maschinenfabrik, Lauenburg, W-Germany – 1979
75,74 – 13,22 – 4,78 GRT 1.432 DW 2.043
Sold in June 2001 to Panama and renamed SALANGO.

KYNDILL (IMO 8015881)
Build by Skaalurens Skipsbyggeri A/S Rosendal Norway – 1982
81,00 – 13,00 – 5,10. GRT 1.198. DW 2.400
Charter vessel to 2002. Renamed FRIGG by her owner, Nesskip hf. Reykjavik, after termination of the charter.

Build by Saksköbing Mask. og Skibsværft A/S Saksköbing, Denmark – 1978
41,28 – 8,74 – 3,41. GT 372. DW 309
Sold by Grönlands Handel Greenland to Olíudreyfing in 1998. Renamed BLÁFELL II but was was lengthened by 6 meter in Poland before entering service. Renamed then LAUGARNES. Sold in March 2019 to Sjótækni, Iceland and renamed ASSA

KEILIR (I) (IMO 9268186)
Build by Jiangnan Shipyard, Shanghai, China – 2002
103,20 – 15,00 – 6,75. GT 3.508 DW 6.019
Transferred to Faroe Isl. flag in 2003. Sold in 2008 to OW Bunker & Trading AS in Denmark and renamed OW ATLANTIC.

KEILIR (II) (IMO 9849928)
Build by Akdeniz Gemi Insa Sanayi ve Ticaret, Ceyhan, Turkey – 2018
45,97 – 9,70 – 3,50. GT 496. DW 778
Build for Olíudreyfing and still in operation.