20230718 – The ferry BALDUR (7804962) which has been serving the Breiðafjörður in Iceland enroute Stykkishólmur – Flatey – Brjánslækur since 2014 has now been sold by her owner Sæferðir ehf. (Eimskip) to the Caribbean for delivery in next October. She has been on contract to the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration (IRCA) to run the service

BALDUR is the former Norwegian ferry VÅGAN build in 1979 by Bolsones Værft in Molde Norway. She is single screw ferry that has not been seen as the safest ferry’s in Icelandic waters.

BALDUR had engine problems in 2021 and 2022 which lead to the solution that IRCA chartered the tug GRETTIR STERKI owned by IceTugs to be located in BALDURS home port Stykkishólmur during the winter of 2022-2023 as support to the ferry if she would have engine problems.

According to sources then GRETTIR STERKI did not have to assist BALDUR in the period. The tug was bareboat chartered as the crew on BALDUR that was off duty would man the tug if needed.

The IRCA has now bought the Norwegian ferry RØST (9035709) to be taken delivery in September 2023. She will be undergoing modification at the yard Vélsmiðja Orms og Víglundar in Hafnarfjordur before entering service.