20210317 – On March 17th the newbuild diving support vessel VALUR arrived for her first time to Reykjavik from her yard in Norway.

She was build by Moen Marin and is the type Catamaran NABCAT 1510 DD. Her length is 15 meter and her breath is 10 meters. She was transported from Norway to Djúpivogur, Iceland East Coast by SIF W.

Valur sailed from Djúpivogur to Reykjavík with call in Westmann Isl on her way to her homeport of Tálknafjörður on the Iceland South Western Fjords.

She is owned by Sjótækni which Kjartan Hauksson, diver is the Managing director but he was the skipper on her first voyage in Icelandic waters. She will be flying Norwegian flag but her owners ain at transfer her under Icelandic flag later on.