The stern trawler BALDVIN NJÁLSSON was docked in Reykjavík recently. She was in for her regular docking and paintwork. Never the less it is not alway’s that the ships does have the same look before and after.
This was the fact with BALDVIN NJÁLSSON, the biggest ship operated from Sandgerði but registered in Garði. Her home port don’t have harbour facilities that can accept the trawler but she land her catch in the close neighbor town.
As the photo’s show then she has got fancy decoration on her side as well of change in her hull painting. She was build in 1991 as the Norwegian GRINNÖY. Only one year old she was sold to Iceland and renamed OTTO WHATNE registered in Seyðisfjorður. From 1994 to 2005 she was registerd in Hafnarfjordur as RÁN owned by Stálskip. Sold then to Nesfiskur which is her present owner.
She has been sucsessful for her owners and will soon head back to the Icelandic fishing grounds with strong crew to bring catch to her owners fishing plant.